MARCH 1978 : A Franco-Swiss expedition with F5II, F6AOI, F6AQO, F6ARC, F6BBJ, F6BFH, F9IE, F9JS, HB9AEE, HB9AHL, HE9SWL, WA4WME, W6HVN, N6IC, W6QKI, W6SO, and WA9INK, lands on Clipperton, a small piece of French land in the Pacific ocean, isolated 1500 km off the coast of Mexico. In one week, between March 20th and 27th, over 29,000 contacts are made. This large success leads to the creation of the CLIPPERTON DX CLUB.
JULY 1978 : Back to France, the French operators give birth to the CLIPPERTON DX CLUB, which aim is to help organize radio-amateur expeditions. Since then, many expeditions have received support from the C.DX.C. As many other examples, let us mention 3Y1, 5R, 5V, D6, 7O, A5, CEØ, FH, FO, FOØ, FP, FR/E, FS/FJ, FT, J2, J7, J8, KH1, KH5, KH5K, PJ, SØ, ST2, T32, T33, TT8, TY, VK9, VKØ, VP8, V2, ZK1.
TODAY : Today’s aim as not changed : promote the organization of radio-amateur expeditions thanks to financial support, QSL card printing, or equipment loan.
In addition, the Clipperton DX Club :
- Organizes an international convention in September every year, whit prominent Dxers from all over the world ;
- Maintains a DX column in the monthly French magazine » Radio REF » ;
- Created the DXpedition Award (DXPA), to honnor the traffic with radio-amateur expeditions ;
- Offers QSL printing at competitive prices, ink stamp, pins and other material to his members ;
- Reward certain radio hams by the attribution of the « Merit of the CDXC ».
TO BECOME A MEMBER : Anybody interested by DX is invited to join the Clipperton DX Club. A yearly payment of € 18, or US$ 22 is the present subscription rate.