by F4HAU Diégo
The LA DX Group organized in Norway a meeting on 5 to 6 April 2019.
I went there to meet friends in Norway and to present our 3B7A DXpedition in Saint Brandon archipelago.
I was kindly received by Lars*LB2TB, Kenneth*LA7GIA and the President of LA DX Group Matthias*LA0FA.
On Friday evening, I made a presentation on the subject of “How to prepare a Dxpedition?” with different topics and preparation tips. The audience was really interested with many questions answered
On Saturday, a radio market was organized so I took some time to meet Norwegian guys and have a look on different exhibitors.
I also attended different and interesting presentations:
*7P8LB by Harald LB2HG
* LA9VFA*Olav explained his antennas farm and propagation on Artic circle in Norway
*TT8KO by Kenneth LA7GIA
I made my presentation of 3B7A and we decided to offer to LA DX Group a nice Clipperton flag signed by each members of the Team as well as a picture frame! Thanks CDXC !!
I had very nice echanges with many Norwegian radio operators and they asked me to pay more attention to Scandinavia during our Dxpeditions.
Some long standing Dxers explained me that Scandinavia is a particular area in Europe because to make some contacts in our Dxpedition, they need to go through EU wall.
With Aurora and geographical position it seems that the openings are more short and difficult compared to south Europe so I will listen more carefully for Scandinavia in the future!
I want to thank Matthias,Kenneth,Lars and all radio friends in Norway for their welcome and kindness!See you soon I hope!