Le Clipperton sponsorisera les projets suivants


Dates: 29-10-2020 – 05-11-2020
Bandes utilisées: 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m SSB, CW
Liste des opérateurs: Cezar, VE3LYC
QSL Manager: VE3LYC
QSL via Buro: OUI Log sur LOTW: OUI, après l’opération

-Two ICOM IC-7000 transceivers (one for spare)
-Two multiband verticals (one for spare)
-Two telescopic fiberglass masts (one for spare)
-One Elecraft KPA500 amplifier
-Power supply

Infos complémentaires:
Tatakoto is an atoll of about 14 km by 5 km, with a fully enclosed lagoon and lots of motu.

The village has about 260 residents, and covers an area of about 1.5 x 0.5 km.

It is the only counter of OC-298 IOTA reference, which still awaits its first operation after becoming a “New One” in June 2019.

Alain (FO5RH) has been an island resident for several years, but unfortunately his transceiver has been inoperable for some time. He is currently 84, and although he spent several months in France last fall, fixing that rig didn’t make the list of his preoccupations. In view of this, I decided to schedule an operation in order to bring OC-298 on the air and have this IOTA reference accepted toward credits.

I will drive my own car to Ottawa and park it at the airport parking Lot. Subsequently, I will fly from Ottawa to Washington DC and overnight there. Then, I will continue my travel to San Francisco, and from there to Papeete. I am required to take a Covid-19 test in Canada 72 hours prior to boarding the flight out of Ottawa. Then, I am required to undertake another Covid-19 test in Papeete, prior to traveling to Tatakoto. Local Covid-19 regulations in French Polynesia and the fact that there is no testing facility on the little atoll makes is necessary for me to arrive in Papeete 6 days prior to my flight to Tatakoto. There are only four flights to Tatakoto this year, with the one on Oct 29 is the first and the only one which will allow me to remain on the island ess than 2 weeks. Tatakoto is not a touristic destination within French Polynesia, but I will be exceptionally provided with accommodation and food y the village during my stay on the island.

I am scheduled to arrive at Tatakoto on Oct 29, and depart on Nov 5.
Following the return to Papeete, I will depart that evening to San Francisco, and from there will fly to Toronto and then Ottawa, from where I will pick up the car and return home.

The goal is to make 4000 QSOs with over 2500 unique stations on 6 continents.

Total budget estimated: $ 6,400

CDXC decided to sponsorise TX0T !

JX0J Jan Mayen

Date : 18/09/2021 – 02/10/2021

Bandes utilisées: 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m SSB, CW, RTTY Liste des opérateurs: LA7GIA Ken Opskar; Licensed since 1992 ; DX-expeditions JX7GIA, 3C7A, 6O7O, 6O6O, TL8AO, TT8KO, TN5E, D67GIA,7Q7GIA x 2. Contesting: LA7GIA, LC7M, LN8W; Modes: CW, DIGI, SSB ;Member of Board member EUDXF and LA-DX-GROUP, CWOPS, ARRL, RCCCall. RA9USU Dmitry Zhikharev .Licensed since 1989. DX-expeditions: 1U4UN, 3V6T, 3V8BB, 3V8SS, 4O3A, 4U1UN, 4U1WB, 4U6ØUN,4U7ØUN, 4U1VIC, 5A1A, 5A5A, 5A7A, 5B/AJ2O, 5B4AJC, 6Y1LZ, 7O2A, 7O6T,AH2/N2OW, CN2AA, CN2NN, DU1/VK3FY, E3ØFB, E31A, FS/N2OW, FS5KA, JY6ZZ,K1LZ, K1TTT, P33W, PJ7/N2OW, R1ØØR, RL3A, RT8T, RU3A, S21ZBB, S21ZBC, STØR, SU8DRM, SUØERA, TI5/N2OW, TI5W, TI9/RA9USU, TS2A, TS6A, TS9A, VP8STI, VP8SGI, Y82N, TI9A. Contesting : All major contests. Modes: CW, DIGI, SSB. Member of SRR, ARRL, RRC. DL5EBE Dominik Weiel .Licensed since 1983 DX-expeditions: 7O1YGF, 8Q7DW (2010, 2012), CT3M, DAØIMD, DAØBHV & DLØKBM & DM5ØIOTA (EU-047), DAØLGT, JWØK, OK8EBE, R4BE, RI1ON & UE8ØAR (EU-066), SV2ASP/A (guest), T33A, ZL7II, ZS9V (AF-064) Contesting: CT3M, DAØHQ, DAØI, ZL6QH Modes: CW, DIGI, SSB , Member of Board member EUDXF (President), DARC, CTARC, GDXF, HSC, VHSC, SHSC, RRC, RRDXA, Club Arktika, RZ4AWB. RM2D (SM6LRR) Mats Strandberg. Licensed since 1980. DX-expeditions: 4S7LRG, 5B/SM6LRR, XV2LRR, XV2D, RM2D/Ø, 4U7ØUN, XV9D, TI9A. Contesting: SK6RR, SLØCB, RL3A, RM5A, RTØC, OH4A, SK3W, P33W, UP2L,OH5Z, 7S2W, Modes: CW, DIGI, SSB. Member of FOC, CWOPS, HSC, EUDXF, RRC, Club Arktika, RCC, SMHSC, SKCC,RCWC

QSL Manager: UA3DX QSL via Buro: OUI Log sur LOTW: YES, after the operation.

Equipment: K3, TS 590S or equivalent, Expert 1.3 or equivalent. Antennas: 160 meter Top loaded vertical on 18 m Spiderbeam pole (possibly x 2) 80 meter: 1/4-wave vertical on 18-meter Spiderbeam pole. 60 meter: 1/4-wave vertical on glassfibre pole. 40 meter: Single or 2 phased verticals (still under consideration). 30 meter: Single or 2 phased verticals (still under consideration). 20/17/15/12/10/6 meters: 2 x Hex beams on aluminum poles. RX antenna type K9AY, SAL or DHDL and BOGs Backups: Various backup antennas, also backup masts and poles

Infos: During three weeks, From September 15th, 2021 until October 5th, 2021, a group of preliminary four operators will be heading for Jan Mayen Island (71 degrees North), and during 14 days operation be active using thealready confirmed callsign JXØX. Jan Mayen and its surrounding seawaters became a Nature reserve some years ago, imposing heavy restrictions on where to setup a camp. Camping is strictly forbidden in the Nature reserve itself. Jan Mayen is also controlled by the Norwegian Armed Forces, and they authorize the camp setup. The QTH given by the Military will be on the western part of the island, Kvalrossbukta, which is also the best suitable location for North American contacts with unobstructed path across salt water. The license is confirmed and we have all necessary permits from the Norwegian authorities to stay on Jan Mayen during the above-mentioned period. We are presently in close negotiation with a number of shipowners using Polar-designed vessels. The preliminary plan is to leave from North Norway on September 15th (PM) and expect to reach Jay Mayen, 3 dayslater, depending on sea conditions. Set-up of our tent camp as well as antenna installations will take place on September 18th, and operation will start as soon as possible on a few bands, not later than 24 hours from arrival to the island. The Military have required the vessel to be stand-by outside Jan Mayen during the entire operation to ensure the safety of the operators. As we approach end of September and October, we are prepared to endure challenging weather conditions, as the winterstorms are usually beginning in the second part of September or beginning of October.

Operating: We will run 3-4 stations simultaneously, aiming for 24/7 operation. Main modes will be CW, Digi and some SSB.

Key Focus: This expedition will have a clear Low band focus (160, 80, 60, 40 and 30 meters).The statistics , confirm the high need for Jan Mayen on Low Bands, with Global rating of Most Wanted DXCC entity between # 21-42 (160 through 30meters). As a result of extensive SSB usage from several previous operations, the overall figure for JX is not that low. Hence, we will focus mainly on low bands and the most desired modes of operation (CW and Digi). SSB will be operated but not the main focus. We ensure that we will also be able to activate 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10meters but low band antennas will have clear priority.

QSO Target: Based from previous JX operations and considering the sun spot minimum,we still aim to work 50000 QSOs. This will also be the first serious Digital mode effort in many years, and we anticipate that there will be a high demand for FTx contacts, while we will try to have 1multi-channel station active, using Fox and Hound Mode. The dedicated CW ops with also good SSB skills, will ensure that the three CW/SSB stations will maximize the operation and yield high rates and utilize short band openings to distant locations with high amount of DX’ers needing the rare entity.

DX Code of Conduct: Needless to say, we will 100% support the DX Code of Conduct.

Logs: We will use OQRS from Clublog after we returned from Jan Mayen. There will be no Internet access on the island for upload. QSL-cards All QSL via OQRS. LOTW will be uploaded ASAP (within 1 month from the end of the expedition) to sponsors. LOTW for the rest of the log will be uploaded 6 months after the end of the expedition.Bureau QSL cards will be sent 12 months after the end of the expedition.

Le Clipperton décide de sponsoriser JX0J !

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